giovedì 15 dicembre 2011

special protocol 34 (come annichilire il pianeta terra in 17 semplici passi e 200 testate nucleari, mica i sacchetti di nylon della minchia)

1.1 Special protocol 34

1. Static targets are identified and prioritized;

2. authorization xk-beta is received from the bridge;

3. compressed anti-helium is transferred from shipside containment to short-term internal containment in the special issue bombardment missiles;

4. all forward rail-launchers chambers are loaded with long range gamma-laser missiles in positions zero to three and with special issue bombardment missiles in positions four to seven;

5. power is rerouted from all non-essential systems to the forward rail-launchers' capacitors;

6. authorization xk-logik is received from the bridge;

7. the first four volleys of missiles are launched with standard flight profiles;

8. modal sensor relay is activated and all available sensor buoys are deployed;

9. final authorization xk-refrain is received from the bridge;

(a) Attack pattern G

i. the remaining chambered missiles are ripple-fired to exhaustion;

ii. coordination priority order: fratricide avoidance, minimum flight time, opportunity targets;

iii. remaining point-defence submunitions are reconfigured for groundburst and expended on the primary target;

iv. the primary warhead is triggered by containment failure on impact.

(b) Attack pattern M

i. four more volleys of missiles are fired;

ii. coordination priority order: minimum flight time, opportunity targets, fratricide avoidance;

iii. remaining point-defence submunitions are expelled and retargeted for secondary targets;

iv. the primary warhead is triggered remotely on reaching the target coordinates.

(cari amici,

se siete riusciti a lanciare il vostro missile come il cristo comanda e a polverizzare una o più nazioni in nome del sacro fuoco di thule - anche se di bombardamenti orbitali si tratta, ma facciamo che avete la mira un po' imprecisa - lo dovete all'amico mio Duccio, che ringrazio per aver pensato e steso questo catalogo della distruzione - tecnicamente ineccepibile, provare per credere, la polonia sta lì apposta ma se avete la mano ferma magari mirate a jovanotti


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